Knitting Notations: Easy Knitting Notations

Knitting notations are symbols to represent the particular knit structure. It is very important for learn knitting, because most knitting articles and engineering patterns are using notations for better understanding and structure explanations.

Basic Knitting Notations: Single jersey knit

knitting notations

Rib Notation

knitting notations rib
knitting notations, plain,rib,purl and interlock knit
knitting notations technical front,technical back
knitting notation box and point digram
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Knit Fabric Shrinkage | Why does Knit Fabric Shrinkage Happen?

The reason for knit fabric shrinkage is its stress relaxation after fabric formation, which means yarn during fabric formation is under stress conditions. Because a manual knitting machine uses a dead weight at the bottom and a computerized knitting machine uses takedowns for pulling the fabric, so yarn during the knitting is an extremely stressful condition each yarn is being pulled at the bottom side. After taking out the fabric from the machine, the fabric will try to relax in both the wales direction and course direction, due to stress relaxation knit fabric shrinkage happens.

Manual Hand Knitting Machine

istockphoto 1141130076 612x612 1
Dead weight pulling at the bottom
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Yarn Count | Common Terms Representing the Yarn Count.

Yarn count determines the linear density of the yarn. It’s the way to represent the mass per unit length of the yarn. It is expressed as either mass per unit length or length per unit mass, depending upon the yarn numeric system used.

Yarn count expressed as Tex, Denier, English count (Ne).

Yarn count basically follows two methods

  • Indirect system
  • Direct system


  • Expressed as length of yarn per unit mass of system
  • English count (NeC), Metric count (Nm), Worsted count (NeW)
  • Higher yarn count means finer yarn (Low thickness)


  • Expressed as a mass of yarn per unit length of yarn
  • Tex, Denier
  • Higher yarn count means courser yarn (high thickness)
yarn count
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Knitting Needle | Warp and Weft Knitting Needle: Heart of Knitting

The needle is the most fundamental part of the machine, it’s the heart of the knitting without the needle nothing is possible it helps in intermeshing the loop with the new loop, each needle adds a particular loop in that particular column.

This weft knitting needle is very important that it should survive multiple cycles.Because, when we are creating fabric on the machine, it has many courses so the needle has continuously operated because of this the first requirement of the needle is it should be highly strong. Fabric is hanging so each needle carrying the weight of the fabric may be the chance that the needle has to carry a high load because of which it should be stronger, so that can’t break from the top part.

The other thing is it should be highly tougher, the cam jacket is interact with the butt of the needle, there is a sharp force which is applied on this needle So that shock or that impact has to be absorbed by this needle so the needle has to be highly tougher. So the material which is used for this needle should have sufficient toughness.

The third thing which is primarily important for this needle is the smooth surface because the needle interacts with the yarn and the yarn has to slide, for example, the loops have to slide on this surface of the needle rough, there is a high tension variation in the yarn can happen because of that the yarn break so the surface of the needle has to kept very smooth.

Weft knitting machine needle and Machine Bed

needle 1
needle bed

Continue ReadingKnitting Needle | Warp and Weft Knitting Needle: Heart of Knitting

Types of Knitting Methods | Weft and Warp knitting

Two different types of knitting methods are warp and weft knitting. In weft knitting, the movement of the yarn is from left to right which is along the weft direction or fabric width direction. In the case of warp knitting, the movement of yarn is along the length direction which is similar to the warp direction in the woven fabric. Depending on the movement of yarn, we differentiate these two fabric structures, warp knitting, and weft knitting. The loops are quite stable in weft knitting but the loop structure in the warp knitting is completely different because of the nature of intermeshing.

In warp knitting structures, the loop’s architecture is slightly disturbed because all the loops are not standing vertical or symmetric just like in weft knitting. A warp knitting loop is either tilted right or left and each loop is intermeshed top loop and bottom loop

weft and warp knitting
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Pointelle design looks like holes, in this design columns are seen in a bend form it’s a kind of transfer on the sides of the loop to create holes. Whenever the pointelle will create the columns either on the left or on the right side they are turning the path. Design with small eyelet holes that create a lacy effect. Pointelle design is very populer in tshirts, sweaters especially for undergarments

pointelle diagram
pointelle pattern image
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How to Knit | How to make Loops on a Weft Knitting Machine

For making knit loops on a flat knitting machine, first will create a series of loops and then catch the yarn making a new loop passing through the old loop. The same process is repeated from the other side catching the yarn and making new loops passing through the old loop this is how, in general, the loops are being created inside a knit fabric structure

The following image will give you a clear idea about how to make loops on a weft knitting machine.

loop formation
loop formation
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Intarsia Knitting | Best Intarsia Knitting Patterns

One of the most attractive knitting technics is intarsia knitting. It’s the most popular and expensive too. By using this knitting technic we can create plenty of designs.

Intarsia knitting technique is achieved by different feeders carrying different colors of yarn in the same course or at any location. One feeder for one color and each color block required different feeder, It means that all the courses in the knitting in the same bed are not doing the same yarn, multiple yarns are there in the same course for making the Intarsia knitting patterns. By using the intarsia knit technique, we can create beautiful designs. Intarsia knitting machines are used for making intarsia knitting

Intarsia Knitting Patterns

Intarsia Fabric Front View

intarsia knit front sideIn this pattern, you can see a clear view of the intarsia joint, knitted on the front bed

Intarsia Fabric Back View

intarsia knit back sideIn this pattern, you can see the back view of the intarsia pattern, and you can see the tuck joint of the intarsia

Argyle Intarsia Knit

Usually for making argyle intarsia knit uses a diamond or color blocking with a diagonal line

Argyle Intarsia design
Argyle Intarsia design
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