Knitting Applications | Best Warp Knitting Applications

Similar to weft knitting warp knitting also has a very unique potential in knitting applications

The first warp knitting application is Shoe, lots of companies around the world make shoe uppers using warp knitting technologies because it gives you a very beautiful design of mesh fabric

knitting applications shoe uppers

Mosquito nets is widely popular in many countries especially in Asian countries for preventing babies from mosquitoes

knitting applications  mosquito net

Composites also create warp knit structures,we can put resin inside and we can make very stable composites that we can use for wind turbines and other composites


Geotextile and civil applications for fencing


Most advanced versions are used in car seats and 3D spacer fabric has very good cushioning effect

car seats and 3d spacer

In tensile structure also use warp knitted structure it’s very rigid ,very stable and we can create a 3D network of structure using warp knitting technologies

3d network

Warp knit structures are also used for garments


Medical Applications for hernia mesh for mesh fabric, its very highly stable and porous

medical applications
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Double Bed Circular Knitting Machine: Best article for you

A double bed circular knitting machine has two needle beds, It’s similar to a double flat knitting machine. The only difference is, that here the needle is placed in a circular panel. It could be a cylinder or a disc. We can categorize double bed circular knitting machines into two rib machines and interlocking machines. In terms of design and look both looks similar, but only the arrangement of needles on the two beds are different

List of contents
1. Rib Machine
2.Fabric formation and Needle action on a Double bed Circular knitting Machine
3. Multi feeder Machine
4. Interlocking Machine
5. Placement of Needles in a Interlock Machine
6. Gating
double bed circular knitting machine

1.Rib Machine

The Rib machine has two beds, one is called Cylinder and the other one is Dial where the needles are placed, The dial and cylinder would actively take part in the knitting process to create a double jersey fabric. Slots and tricks are created in a radial direction on a dial. Needles are placed on the slots, and the direction of movement is along the radius. No sinker element is required for a double bed circular knitting machine.

dial and cylinder

The vertical cylinder also has slots and tricks and each of these slots is equipped with needles, this is how the arrangement of two beds is done in a circular knitting machine. Cylinder needles are doing reciprocation in the vertical directions. On the dial, the needle is doing the reciprocation along the radial direction. While doing the reciprocation they are not striking each other, because both the needle set should not face each other. The position of the slot on the cylinder and the dial are shifted so they should not collide during the knitting process. One set of needles is displaced laterally by half pitch so they can smoothly do the knitting action. And all the needles are actively participating in the knitting process.

needle arrangement of dial and cylinder

Fabric formation and Needle action on a Double bed Circular knitting Machine

The fabric is produced at a 45-degree angle with either cylinder or dial. Whenever one set of needles doing the action the stem of other needles is providing the support, which means when the dial needle is moving forward the loops are connected with the stem of cylinder needles. The stem of this needle is doing the function of sinkers so there is no requirement for the sinker in a double bed circular knitting machine. Which is the fundamental difference compared to a single bed circular knitting machine

needle movement on a cylinder and sial

Multi feeder Machine

In this type of machine, multiple cams are being placed along the circumference. At the same rotation, a single needle can create a multiple number of loops. So productivity on this particular knitting machine is high.

Compared to flatbed, where you have to first complete the entire reciprocation and then you have to return to make the second course. Here you can simultaneously create multiple numbers of course in one rotation. It’s done by multiple cams along the circumference

2.Interlocking Machine

In terms of design and look both rib and interlock are similar, but the arrangement of needles is different. This machine also has two different beds, one is a cylinder and the other is the dial. The only difference between rib machines is the placement of needles and the type of needles which is used in the interlock machines. Interlock fabrics are being used in t-shirts ,undergarments, pressure garments

In the Rib machine needles are placed in such a way that they do not face each other. The beds have laterally shifted half-pitch with the opposite bed. But in the case of the Interlock machine dial and cylinder are facing each other. When the cylinder needle will go top the dial is not doing anything and when the dial is doing an active movement then the cylinder is resting on the cylinder bed, In this particular machine, at a particular location, only half of the needles are active because these two needle beds are facing each other so if the cylinder and dial if they are active at the same location they can hit each other. Whenever the cylinder needles are taking part dial is resting; or when the dial is taking part, the cylinder is resting.

interlock machine needles

Another difference is the position of needles and they have two sets of needles on the same bed, On the same bed it has long butt and short butt needles. In one case but is at the highest position and in the other case butt is at the lowest position. So these type of needle is called long butt needle and short butt needle. And these two needles are placed alternatively on each of these beds.

rib and interlock

Placement of Needles in a Interlock Machine

The dial short butt needle is facing cylinder long butt needles and the cylinder short butt needle is facing dials long butt needles. Alternating needles are selected from each of the beds, when dial needles are active, the corresponding opposite cylinder needle is inactive and vice versa, So they should not hit during the knitting actions. This is how the interlock needle arrangement is different from a rib needle arrangement.

The interlock machine has two cam tracks for long butt needles and short butt needles.This type of cam arrangement is for both dial and cylinder beds. So short butt needles catch the feeder yarn at an even position and Long butt needles catch the feeder yarn at an odd position

placement of needles on a interlock machine


The placement of needles on the needle beds is called Gating

gating 2
Continue ReadingDouble Bed Circular Knitting Machine: Best article for you

Circular knitting Machine: Exclusive article

A circular knitting machine is similar to a flat knitting machine, but the only difference is the bed which is flat in the case of a flat knitting machine, and the circular knitting is changed to circular. In this type of knitting, knitting is done circularly means the bed is on a cylindrical platform, that’s why this type of knitting is called circular knitting.

In this cylindrical platform, slots are created, and each of the slots is called tricks. Slots are separated by two wales. In these slots, needles are placed. The needle moves upward and downward reciprocating movements depending on how it interacts with the cam. The cam rotates on the curved surface of the machine, because of that needle raises and moves down depending on the cam track, which there on the cam jacket. The movement of the needle and the cam remain perpendicular. The needle moves in the vertical direction and the cam is rotating on the horizontal platform in a circular fashion.

Single Bed Circular Knitting Machine

We can categorize a Single bed circular knitting machine into three as per its function

1.Knitting Action

Singer Top

The singer is an integral part of the knitting machine in fabric formation. The singer supports the needle during the knitting process and also does some reciprocating movements providing support in knocking over and holding the fabric. 90% of the machines available in the market is singer based machines.


Verge Top

Some circular knitting machines do not have a singer, in this kind of machine verge top creates a singer loop. The end of the trick wall (the trick is a slot) is called the verge top. between two walls needles are placed. Here in place of singer verge top create the singer loop

trick and verge


Cam Stationary- Needle Rotating

Cam Rotating- Needle Bed Stationary

3.Number of Feeders

Single Feeder

Multi- Feeders

Single Feeder Circular Knitting Machine

Single Feeder Circular Knitting Machine

Multi Feeder Circular Knitting Machine

Multi feeder circular knitting machine helps in vest formation , t shirt formation and undergarment,

Multi Feeder Circular Knitting Machine
Multi Feeder Circular Knitting Machine
Circular knitting machines
Circular knitting machines in a textile industry

Continue ReadingCircular knitting Machine: Exclusive article

Knitting Notations: Easy Knitting Notations

Knitting notations are symbols to represent the particular knit structure. It is very important for learn knitting, because most knitting articles and engineering patterns are using notations for better understanding and structure explanations.

Basic Knitting Notations: Single jersey knit

knitting notations

Rib Notation

knitting notations rib
knitting notations, plain,rib,purl and interlock knit
knitting notations technical front,technical back
knitting notation box and point digram
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Yarn Count | Common Terms Representing the Yarn Count.

Yarn count determines the linear density of the yarn. It’s the way to represent the mass per unit length of the yarn. It is expressed as either mass per unit length or length per unit mass, depending upon the yarn numeric system used.

Yarn count expressed as Tex, Denier, English count (Ne).

Yarn count basically follows two methods

  • Indirect system
  • Direct system


  • Expressed as length of yarn per unit mass of system
  • English count (NeC), Metric count (Nm), Worsted count (NeW)
  • Higher yarn count means finer yarn (Low thickness)


  • Expressed as a mass of yarn per unit length of yarn
  • Tex, Denier
  • Higher yarn count means courser yarn (high thickness)
yarn count
Continue ReadingYarn Count | Common Terms Representing the Yarn Count.