Problems with the existing hand knitting process | Limitations of hand knitting

For making hand knitting using needle bars and they create loops from left to right and right to left, one by one. So, you create a loop and then add in a particular column. The big problem is with this hand knitting is, it has limited fabric width and length capabilities, because our hand is very limited so we cannot create a fabric more than 2 meters in length because it is very difficult to work or control the entire bigger length or width of the fabric, both we cannot create bigger length, we cannot play with wide fabric, that’s is the big limitations of the weft knitting using hand. In hand knitting we are using loop formation in a time, the columns of loops remain ideally except the one which is being used, so because of this the production speed is extremely limited, so we cannot have very high productivity, because we only interact with one column at a time, And the other big problem with hand knitting is tension variation, if you do not give sufficient tension to the yarn, we can have different length of the loops, for example, if you do not pull the yarn properly then the loop length will become low, if you pull the yarn too much then the loop will become very big so in this case, there is a high chance because we are doing it manually and there could be the problem of tension variation during fabric formation.

hand knitting
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