Knitting | Needle Movement on a Knitting Machine

Knitting is a process of fabric formation by producing a series of intermeshed loops using machine such as flatbed, V bed, or circular knitting machine.The movement of needles on a knitting machine is a critical aspect of its operation. These needles are responsible for forming stitches and are arranged in a bed or cylinder, moving up and down in a synchronized motion to create various patterns and textures in the knitted fabric.

Some of the knitting needle movements on a knitting machine by using a latch needle are as follows

Knitting Front or Face Stitch and Back Stitch

The front stitch is knitted using the needle on the front needle bed, while the back stitch is knitted using the needle on the back needle bed.

Needle Movement Tuck

In knitting, a tuck stitch is created behind the old loop using the needle on the front needle bed, while on the back needle bed, the tuck stitch is made in front of the old loop.

Needle movement transfer

When performing the transfer on a Vbed knitting machine, front needle is automatically face to face with the back needle

Split knit in the case of latch needle

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