One of the unique features of knitted garments is it’s very Stretchable and flexible compared to the woven garment. The woven fabric you have cut it properly and then fix to your body by proper tailoring. But in the case of the knitted garment, it can fit very easy and confirmable to your body because it’s very flexible and it looks soft, softness comes from the flexibility and stretchability also the type of yarn which we use in making these structures are comparatively soft yarns especially low twisted yarn which general gives the soft feeling for these type of fabrics that’s why we prefer daily routine to use t-shirts as casual wearing. And the other future is its resist wrinkles compared to a shirt you need to iron it properly before you use it. But in the case of t-shirts, they can resist wrinkles, so it needs a very limited amount of ironing. Knit loops are open in structure so it allows you a very good amount of moisture and air exchange, that’s why most sports garments are made up of knitted structure. Because it’s very open and you can feel more comfortable due to its good transmission of air and moisture. One of the most fundamental unique futures of knitted structure is porosity, it’s a free space that is available in the knitted structure per unit volume. The porosity entraps air, air has very high thermal resistance so it does not allow heat to exchange properly. This is why knitted is very popular in woollen garments. The knitted is also gives you the unique possibility to create any design on the surface of the fabric and knitted fabrics also give you some additional benefits, which most the textile structure cannot provide, because this knit has been used in many many applications such as Hosiery, Sweaters, t-shirts, Home furnishing, and Underwear, Mosquito nets, Argo nets, Packaging. Apart from these applications some advanced applications which nowadays happening around the world are e-textiles like integrating sensors actuators and making the garment responsive. These garments are used for health monitoring, which is the top priority in the 21st century. You can fit the sensors inside the knitted structure and these structures will still be confirmable and flexible, they can fit your body, and they can give you the signals. Sensors can be appropriately located to certain signals of the garments. In sports also, knits give you lots of flexibility because it is open porous and comfortable, breathable, stretchable, which is the prime requirement for most sports. Nowadays where the shoe is replacing foam and they are using knitted as a shoe upper. Most of the top brand shoes are making knitted shoe uppers because it is very porous, breathable, durable, and comfortable as well.
Unique features of knitted garments | Knit Garments
- Post author:sukesh sisupalan