Circular knitting Machine: Exclusive article

A circular knitting machine is similar to a flat knitting machine, but the only difference is the bed which is flat in the case of a flat knitting machine, and the circular knitting is changed to circular. In this type of knitting, knitting is done circularly means the bed is on a cylindrical platform, that’s why this type of knitting is called circular knitting.

In this cylindrical platform, slots are created, and each of the slots is called tricks. Slots are separated by two wales. In these slots, needles are placed. The needle moves upward and downward reciprocating movements depending on how it interacts with the cam. The cam rotates on the curved surface of the machine, because of that needle raises and moves down depending on the cam track, which there on the cam jacket. The movement of the needle and the cam remain perpendicular. The needle moves in the vertical direction and the cam is rotating on the horizontal platform in a circular fashion.

Single Bed Circular Knitting Machine

We can categorize a Single bed circular knitting machine into three as per its function

1.Knitting Action

Singer Top

The singer is an integral part of the knitting machine in fabric formation. The singer supports the needle during the knitting process and also does some reciprocating movements providing support in knocking over and holding the fabric. 90% of the machines available in the market is singer based machines.

Verge Top

Some circular knitting machines do not have a singer, in this kind of machine verge top creates a singer loop. The end of the trick wall (the trick is a slot) is called the verge top. between two walls needles are placed. Here in place of singer verge top create the singer loop


Cam Stationary- Needle Rotating

Cam Rotating- Needle Bed Stationary

3.Number of Feeders

Single Feeder

Multi- Feeders

Single Feeder Circular Knitting Machine

Multi Feeder Circular Knitting Machine

Multi feeder circular knitting machine helps in vest formation , t shirt formation and undergarment,

Multi Feeder Circular Knitting Machine
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Multi Feeder Circular Knitting Machine
Circular knitting machines
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Circular knitting machines in a textile industry

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